
It’s when you try opening the big box of memories which remained untouched in the back shelf of your heart.

The pleasant and unpleasant memories which were better off forgotten come back instantly by that one song or one gift or by that certain someone you were running away from.

The memories you thought you buried a long time ago are still haunting you, killing you inside.

The painful flashes come back mercilessly leaving you with no choice but to remember the past.

The past that you left behind, the past which held all those memories you tried to escape over the years, trying to find solace in this cruel world. Searching for a closure.

The things which once made you so happy are now just a hazy memory giving you a cold heartache, making you feel empty.

You hear the sound of the broken glass shattering once again and you want to lean on to someone but you can’t because you pushed them all away.

Why? Because A certain someone pushed you away when you wanted to hold them tight.

Regrets. That’s what you’re filled with.

You knew you were going to get hurt.

You knew holding the knife tightly by it’s edge is going to make you bleed.

Yet you wanted to hold onto it.

The bleeding might have stopped but what about the scar it left behind?

It stays forever to remind you of what was once there and is suddenly gone.

Hence that’s when you try making that bottle of ink and the stack of white papers your best friend.

but when you try writing down, they push you away with emptiness.

Karma does play fair.

12 thoughts on “Reminisce.

  1. The picture, the caption and then comes the heartfelt words..u surely have words for our feelings..beautiful 😍😍 loved it..
    Soo relatable..keep granting us with your beautiful writings..❤❤ Thank You

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful writing isn’t about the words we use, Its about the emotions we evoke. This is why it is so relatable and beautiful ❤️👌. keep writing!

    Liked by 1 person

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